The header and footer on all subpages are configured in one place - under Domain settings.
1 On your SubPage account dashboard, click on the 'Common Settings' on the top right.
2 In the Domain settings screen, click on the 'Header' tab.
3 Click on 'Manage Header Links'.
4 In the sidebar that opens, enter the Link name and the URL, and click on the '+' icon. After adding all the links that have to go on the Header, you can also configure the Primary and Secondary buttons, which will be styled differently on the header.
5 Choose the header style by clicking on one of the options from the available themes.
6 This opens a preview window showing the configured links in the selected layout. You can further customize the colors by clicking on the 'Customise colors' button.
7 In the sidebar that opens, you can choose the Font color, background color, Primary button styling, etc.,