How to create a policy in multiple languages?

SubPage provides out-of-box support for creating policies in multiple languages. To create a multi-lingual policy, follow the below steps.

1 First, make sure you have written your policy in English. English version is required by default and cannot be removed.

2 In the policy editor sidebar, click "Add Language" and select the language to which you want to translate your policy

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3 After adding, the language is added in your sidebar. The policy editor will show the content based on the language selected in the sidebar.

4 To write content for your new language, make sure it is selected in sidebar

5 There is also an option to auto-translate from English to the selected language.

6 Before publishing your page, make sure the 'Multi-lingual' option is turned ON in settings. By default it is set ON.

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Do not rely solely on Auto-Translation for policies, Please consult a language expert and a domain expert to make sure your policy speaks the same irrespective of the language
You need not create a policy in all languages. Find out from your analytics tool from which countries your users come from and only translate your policy to the top languages of your users.

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