Setting Up Zapier API Integration

SubPage offers the following API endpoints to notify you about events such as new blog posts, job postings, or generated leads on your published SubPage.


All the requests made to the endpoints should contain the api_key parameter. You can obtain the API key from the "Integrations" sections of your SubPage.

Profile endpoint

This endpoint provides basic information about the current SubPage account.

Request parameters

api_key - API key of the SubPage domain


status - Either "success" or "error"
domain - The domain name belonging to the SubPage based on the API key

Sample response
status: "success",
domain: ""

Triggers endpoint

This endpoint retrieves the available notifications for the specified event within the current SubPage account.

Request parameters

api_key - API key of the SubPage domain
event - Type of the event like "new_article", "new_lead", etc.


Response is an array of events whose properties vary by the event type. The following example is for a "new_lead"

Sample response
email: "",
ebook: false,
timestamp: 1722862412000,
city: "New York",
country: "us",
countryName: "United States",
os: "MacOS",
browser: "Chrome",
displayDate: "2023-08-01T14:51:31+05:30"

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